Sunday, May 17, 2009

Showcase Highlights: Hot Spots

Venturing through the venues in the Spotlight today, Jyllie found some interesting and... not so interesting places being featured currently...

First stop, Forest Feast ( Entry into this sim was at the bottom of a platform which was slow to rez. The SLURL above however will take you to the sim map. Find your way up the stairs and you will find sparse vendors selling trees, flowers and... umbrellas. I found my way down a roughly lain wood step path to a nicer stone path and followed it out to a Linden-textured stone gazebo. Beyond that, the grass was over head-high and I ran into a set of downed power lines -- YIKES! If you're on a computer that is slow to rez, all you will see is grey flexi prims. Even rezzed, it's very annoying to walk through. The east edge of the sim does provide a nice overlook but on the whole I'm sorry to say I was not impressed. Perhaps shortening the fields to waist-high would make the experience more pleasant, as well as adding some walking or horse trails throughout.

Next on the tour, Unintended Water ( )... With a heading like, "Roam through the swampy valley as you seek out the secred hideouts within Unintended Water," my attention was piqued. It sounds like home! (Note: I grew up in the Everglades.) Another fouled entry point, this one landing me ear-high in a lake! (Seriously sim owners -- use some common sense when setting your landing points.) The overall visage of the place *was* relaxing, and there was more to do than at Forest Feast. Here, you will find a playable piano, a small gazebo with a couples danceball rezzer and a good size treehouse, also with couples dances. I did not however find any hidden places to explore here. Perhaps I was expecting a little more Avaria-type landscape with wonderful caves and more goings-on?

One thing I couldn't take my eyes off however was the... "interesting" art hung in the treehouse... among them, a woman with a leashed rhino in a blood-spattered bathroom.... Who comes up with these things??

[18:52] Jyllie Nightfire: still trying to figure out the rhino in the bathroom...
[18:52] Lee Nowles: weird stuff in sl
[18:52] Lee Nowles: lol
[18:52] Lee Nowles: must be freudian
[18:52] Jyllie Nightfire: to say the least...
[18:52] Lee Nowles: the builder must have some different tastes
[18:52] Lee Nowles grins
[18:54] Jyllie Nightfire: it's like.... i can't look away.... lol
[18:54] Lee Nowles: lol
[18:54] Lee Nowles: know what you mean
[18:54] Jyllie Nightfire: it's like... odd became powerful and beautiful and scary in the same thought...
[18:54] Lee Nowles: some of jack vetrriano's paintings affect me the same way
[18:54] Lee Nowles: the naughtier ones
[18:55] Lee Nowles: not the butler with the umbrella on the beach stuff
[18:55] Lee Nowles: one thing sl is: it's interesting! lol

Last stop for the night was a place simply called "Freeshells Tidepools" (

Now this place is cool. As the name implies, there is indeed interactive shelling here. To find uber-rare (yes, I just said "uber) shells, you'll want to be in mouselook. Click on the sculpty shells to buy for $0L. Also in the sim you'll find an art gallery, jetski and boat rentals for playing on the open water, SCUBA diving through schools of fish, 7 Seas Fishing, Spirit Spot with drumming, a dance circle and more, a theatre and so much more. Jigsaw Lands also has residential skyboxes for rent. I experienced zero lag in this sim and highly recommend checking it out if you're looking for something to do beyond clubbing and shopping.

Next up, the Museum of Philosophy and other Educational installations that will certainly inspire.


Saturday, May 16, 2009

Midnight Mania Flourishes!

An echo comes from my post in the blog, as it would be a shame not to share all these amazing prize opportunities with you guys here as well....

After a grueling 24 hours of teleporting and compiling (and several large mugs of Starbucks), not only did Jyllie Nightfire come home with a trunkload full of awesome new items (some packages worth over 800L’s!) — she also brings you a MADDENING listing of over 150 Midnight Madness boards from throughout the grid!

Midnight Mania Boards @ Bella Couture

Midnight Mania Boards @ Bella Couture

There are close to 200 Midnight Mania boards in this extensive list, many sims having more than one location and many stores having up to 10 boards in place. Prizes will change daily, monthly, or seemingly never but all around you win — if you find a prize you simply must have and the board does not max out — try again the next day, and get your friends to help!

If you’re new to freebie hunting in SL, or if you’re just Linden-Light and don’t have the funds it takes to really outfit your avatar the way *you* want it, look no further! Averages have shown that MM entries win the prize about 1 out of 5 times. Your best bet is to hit the boards early in the morning. Many boards reach their Lockdown (meaning the maximum number of entries has been received and it will take no more for the day) by late afternoon. Just follow the SLURL’s and start clicking those boards to win everything from clothing and accessories to toys, weapons, vehicles, gestures and more! While you’re out there, don’t forget to look for Lucky Chairs, Lucky Dips and other means of obtaining free items. Most will be in the same area as the Midnight Mania boards, so you won’t have to look far!

Now, throughout your travels, you may find other Midnight Mania boards in addition to what’s listed here. That’s because some shops/sims don’t advertise that they have them, or they’re new or hidden. Please feel free to IM Jyllie Nightfire in-world if you have any you want added to the list. This goes for shop managers too! There is no better way to drive traffic to your sim than by offering free items. There are several stores Jyllie hit during the course of this article that prompted purchases after finding the boards — it does happen :)

Now for the list! WARNING: Some of the sims included here DO HAVE adult content. If things like that offend you, proceed with caution. There are only a few shops like this on the list however.

Also of note: A few of these boards were Out Of Service when Jyllie visited this weekend. This should only be temporary! These stores include Neko Wonderland, a whole lotta *rosi*, Clucking Marvellous, Elvarg, jinx’d Voodoo Main Store and Poizone Mall. There are also two boards at Gor-Jus (in the Gor-Jus Animations Sim) that relocate periodically. The sim is laid out easy enough however and you should have no problem locating the boards when the do move.

* Shopping Parada Obrigatoria *
** MiChiGaN ShAcK **
:( TailZ): Mainstore
^.^ Geniveve’s Shop & Fishing
~ :: RZR :: ~
~A.D.~ Designs Main Store
~Neko Wonderland~
A & R Fashion
A Garden Of Imaginations
A Garden Of Imaginations 2
a whole lotta *rosi*
Alien Gizmo’s Neko Mall & Hangout
AlleyCat Designs
Alpha Core Shopping District
Ariadne Island
Arianna Design’s
Ari’s Neko Retreat
Ari’s Neko Retreat
AW Design
Baby Monkey Shoes & Store
BadBoys Mall
Bella Couture
Big Blue Dolphin Plaza
Bound BDSM Art Gallery
Broken Designs
BTB Slavewear
C + C Appianway Shops
C Anthony’s Fine Furnishings
CC Decor
Clucking Marvellous
CNUK Fashions
Cosmo Chic By The Sea
Coyote Fashions
Crave Clothing Designs
Creative Endeavors
Cuppy Cake Mainstore & Sassy Kitty Designs
D.N.A. Studios
Deviant Designs
DnA Asta Designs
Double Diamond Strip Club
Dream Team Shop 1 -Ellse Fashions
Dream Team Shop 2-Irresistible
Earthly Delights Yard Sale
Ella’s Victorian Fashion
Elvarg Enabling Spaces Research Project
Empire Textures
Fernando’s Playland
FIERCE Designs
Fugly Jewels
GL Designs Mainstore
Glas Garden Center
Gnawlinz Tragic Magic Inc.
GOR-JUS Animations
GOR-JUS Animations
Gor-jus Kids Animations, Faeries, Toys
Hectic Moon
High Fashion Mall And Club
Horny Beast Designs
Ideal Illusion
Illuminated Dreams Designs
Image Reflections
Industrial Studio 69
jinx’d voodoo Main Store
juelles Treasure Road Fashion
Just Shoot Me Photography
Kaitlin and Xena Designs
Kajira Heart Creations
Kassturm Homes & Skyboxes
Kindred Retail
Lips & Roses Designs
Little Ones Couture
LoisEsprit Design’s Mainstore
Love Lost
Low Prim Living
Lucky Designs
Magic Fashion HQ
Manpower Clothing & Tattoos
MinDesigns Exotic Affordable Furnishings
Miss Muffet
Missi Designs
Mr Fizzle Sci-fi Super Store
Mystic Ventrue
Mysty RPG
NB X1000 (c) Main Store
Nedria Cyr Designs
Neko Addiction
Neko Wonderland Mainsstore
NightWish Design’s Boots An More
Parazz Hair
Pixel Perfect Productions Main Store
Poizone Mall
PussyCatz Club
Qwiksilver Ltd. & Daisy Designs
Rave Nation
Rave Nation
Risk Factor Mall
Risk Factor Mall (Upstairs)
RR Trend Line Fashion
Sacred Skin Body Art
Sacred Threads
Schoziphrenic Psycho
SecondMax Mall
Secret Temptations
Sen’Styleheart Frozen VIP
SG5 Designs
Slick’s Corner 1
Slick’s Corner 2
Smitten Kitten
SR Leatherwerkx
Surreal Style Tattoos
Tether’s End
The Loony Bin
The Naughty Neko Wonder Emporium
The Owlhouse Estate & Mainshop
The Wicked Garden
TOCO Designs
TST Style
Twiple Twouble
Undergeared Clothing for Men
Underworld Creations
Vamps & Tramps Mall
Vamps & Tramps Mall
Vamps & Tramps Mall
Vamps & Tramps Mall
Vanbeek’s Boutique On Earth
VoLT Mainstore
Wasteland East Section 5
Weston Rose
Weston Shopping
Whatz @Moonrising
WHATZ Lost Vikings
Willow’s Shop
Witchy’s Men’s Fashions
Yesterdays Closet
Zen Creations
Zibware Main Shop

Monday, March 9, 2009

Got Twisted?

I was a little slow starting the Twisted hunt this year, due to a long hospital stay for an injury in RL. With the dissolution of the Lucky Kitty Crew, this is not going to be an easy task! In the Kissed hunt, the objects hidden were sculpty lips and though some were well hidden, they were still quick to be found as with a little lag on your side, you can easily spot sculpties rezzing around you. After a few finds, the kisses were usually the first things to rez as they stayed in your visual cache. These Twisted boxes however.... OMG. I've already come across a few shops who have resized the boxes VERY SMALL and embedded them within other objects -- NOT COOL GUYS -- y'all need to make this fair to everyone. Not all of us are walking around with a Bloodhound!

I made it from 1-13 with no help. #14 at Wild Style Fashions -- can't find it. No one there would give me a hint either. After over an hour of camming round the entire store, I gave up and resorted to the Twisted Blog to find the first merchant that I hadn't been to yet and ended up at #23, so now I am missing #14-#22. I was easily able to find #23 at Lethality Designs but now am stuck on #30 at LouLou & Co. Gah!!!!!!! Just when I was ready to move on the the next merchant out of order, cue the Region Restart -- ok, just enough time to take a deep breath and go back to think, "Ok, what am I not looking at?" I am taking the "wait and watch" method now, hoping to see someone else on the hunt finding the box, follow their dots and get the hell out of this store. This poor girl Jamie looks as perplexed as me though... this may take a while...

ZOMG -- A little Kajira just found it. Behind the curtain, up in the top. Here, just out of spite, is #30 (you have to cam behind the curtain to grab it, because they've put an invisiprim up that you can't physically get through or purchase the hunt box through -- CHEATERS!!!!!!

See what I mean...

Well, I am on to #31. If anyone wants to comment some hints here for other hunters, please feel free.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

My Retreats In SL

Over the past 10 months or so, Jyllie has been able to acquire an approximately 8,000 square meter plot of land at Beachcomber Isle, the first place she landed when she began SL in 2007. Argos Hawks owns the Beachcomber sim and has been a wonderful and kind host even though he is always busy with builds, grid physics experiments and just plain taking care of business. Most of the sim is composed of casinos and, as the name implies, is beach-themed. On Beachcomber, you will find Coyote Ranch, Legatos Grotto and Magic Tree Games, and my favourite place Sand Dollars Beach Resort on the opposite corner from my land, Templador Estate. These are some photos from around Templador, feel free to stop by and relax with your SLove or just chill and watch TV. Do /1 show to reveal all possible dances and cuddles in the immediate area and enjoy :)

Also, if you do like the areas I've created in an attempt to bring Mother Nature back to SL in a drama-free zone, please do tip the bunny on the beach. My tier is wicked high on this private sim and I've put a lot of work into it for you to have a relaxing place to enjoy.

The Chill Room (features seating for 6 for brainstorming or chatting, an interactive Japanese wish stone to make all your wishes come true, and two seats for watching the currently streaming Indy Movie Channel). SLURL:

Sky Sands (I couldn't think of a better name lol but new suggestions are very welcome! This skybox features a large area out front for opening boxes and building if you are part of the group and the prims are free, and a quaint front porch to get out of the parching desert sun. Inside, you'll find two areas to lounge with friends amid richly textured decorations. Over the front curtain is Taliesin, an AI bot who will actually hold an intelligent conversation with you, and inside the back left corner is Loki, my older AI bot who has gained more of a sense of thought and conversation. You may have to "tickle" them to get them to speak [touch to activate if needed]. Venture into the back room for some privacy and kick back on the pedestal of cuddles. This spot with its breathtaking colors makes for a beautiful couples photo spot.) SLURL:

On beach level, you'll find an array of poses and activities from group-synchronized tai-chi or meditation in the pagoda or reading on the bridge in the Japanese garden, cuddling and enjoying the view in the treehouse (use the green teleporter at the base of the treehouse to enter), making out in the garden, paying homage to the gods at the altar, and dancing and cuddling on the beach in front of the house. There is also a place to picnic, a lovely gazebo with a panoramic view of the *gorgeous* sunrises on the island, and a tree swing for those young at heart :) The old Victorian house is also usually open. It's nothing special inside really, just our residence but check out the bathroom if you want to see a very strange toy *winks*. SLURL:

(Photos in this article taken by Jyllie Nightfire at Templador Estate using "Ultra" graphics setting at sunrise and sunset. Modeling: Jyllie Nightfire and Nairieth Rexen.)

Friends Through the Electronic Veil

While my SL hasn't stopped happening, it has gone through some major changes since my last post. A trove of people I thought were friends (many from RL that I introduced to SL) have come and gone, yet a few have stayed true and I have a feeling that these people will remain in my life as real friends even though I may never meet them in RL, and those that I do know in RL have proven that online drama is not a part of who they are and they have been there for me no matter what.

One person in particular I was ecstatic to get a surprise visit from this week as I was watching my partner build. Replecator Tigerpaw is a RL friend - more than that really. He makes my spirit sing and if you believe in soulmates, well he's what I would define as one. He had to disappear abruptly last May due to military and family obligations and other personal issues, but this week he reappeared looking for me and it was like we'd never missed a beat. He was as taken aback by my upgraded skin and hair as I was by his own avvie, whose hair seems to have actually gone *backwards* in time LOL! We went directly to voice and had a very long talk to catch up and reunite -- it was amazing to see him again. While his SL time is still extremely limited, we have other ways of keeping in touch, and now that he is retiring from the Navy this year (22 years!), it may be a lot easier to get together.

Another good friend, Chipipon Clip, has been through his own hell recently in-world and in life and is just as grateful for me as I am for him. I've known Chip since I began in SL and we've developed a friendship that goes beyond the grid as we share each other's life stories, happenings, joys and let-downs and always have a shoulder free for the crying-on. Last night he was bored and lonely in SL (it happens often, even to me) and was looking for something to distract him, so I suggested totally at random to go to a carnival and have some fun. He hit the Showcase, found one, and as soon as he landed, some asshole started in on him, accusing him of IM'ing his girlfriend and trying to pick her up, then violently physically and verbally attacking him for no reason. This guy really took griefing to a new level. Chip, not the fighting type, quickly caged him and retreated to my Sky Sands skybox at the Estate, where he found comfort in a snuggle and a good long vent. (My avvie looks different by the way because I was on my alt at the time, picking up some new clothes for her in the Greatest Love hunt.) Sometime this weekend, Chip and I are supposed to get together to do a photo shoot with me modeling. He does some really amazing work in Photo Shop with his SL pics.

Most importantly, now that we have added a router to our (RL) home, Nairieth and I are finally able to get together and dance again on SL. Out of all the things to do with loved ones on SL, dancing remains my favorite. I'll be blunt -- I can't dance to save my life. If life came with pose balls, I'd be set. Til then, my movement skills will remain on the grid LOL... But Nair and I are both ecstatic that we can be together in-world again. It is both sad and funny as well as a sign of the times that we will sit in the same room together in RL while dancing and chatting together in-world. People think we're sick and we love it ^_^ Just proof that good things CAN come from SL.

When I'm not spending time with friends, I'm busy running around for Lucky Chairs and hitting the Midnight Mania boards, in many of which are some nice high-quality prizes from jewelry to clothing and more.

From one I got an entire living room set which I put in my Chill Room (not pictured here, but this is the TV set-up which I finally got the stream working for woot!).

So that has been my SL lately. Thankfully the majority of drama has been risen above thanks in great deal to a little help from my friends. Now Nair and I can settle in and enjoy our Estate, enjoy building and texturing and dancing and all those other little things that make SLife worthwhile.

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Bald and Half-Baked

Oh the issues frustrate the virtual poo outta me. Not that the lag wasn't bad enough as is, I had on my Llama suit (Grendel's Children) wandering the island as nobody was really online. I failed to get a pic of the llama laying pretty on a cushion but she sure was a sight at the DMX game I was invited to. My head was in the way of my card however, so I decided to switch to a smaller avatar and put my beaver av on :D Well -- that got comments, some of them not so nice as you can imagine, so I went back to myself. Or tried to. I ended up ruthed in this really ODD position mid-air near my DMX seat, and with no hair. Re-logged, and came back un-ruthed, but still with no hair. I knew deep down in my heart that it wasn't gonna work, but I still tried to attach a new hair and got the famous "Cannot complete attachment. An attachment is pending for that spot." Rebaking did NOT help. So, I finished my round bald and finally ended up relogging under an alt who surprisingly had no issues whatsoever! Stupid SL. It was a quiet night all around though and for once I was actually bored on SL.

Friday, May 30, 2008

SL? RL? Huh? LOL....

So I've been in SL (Second Life) for about 8 months now and let me say - the Morning Show was right to call it addicting. Literally, SL can be anything you want it to be. Due to my own experiences in SL, I get a bit irked when people refer to it as a "game" however. Certainfly for some its only purpose is to roleplay anything from Zombie Hunters to Millionaire Playboys. For most however, it is a journey. It is a means to create your own world and live in it as you see fit. Live? Yes, live.

I decided to start this blog to chronicle my time in SL from the eyes of one who has been befriended, betrayed, partnered, married, even handfasted (in RL) to a man from there. After 8 months of relationship hell, a RL friend of mine grew tired of seeing me so constantly played and hurt that he partnered me in SL just so that I would have the company I needed while I went on about my "life" there, and to keep the assholes off me. Call it a "pity-partner" if you will, it was a rescue from a virtual emotional hell.

For the most part, it worked and having his name showing as my partner in my profile does do a bit of good to keep me focused on exploring the sims with him, making sure he's having a good time, thus preventing me from being tempted to stray on and seek someone else to break my heart. Now I can concentrate on building friendships, building objects (I'm partial to making scripted swords), and tending to my estate, a beautiful 6-lot plot on the southeast corner of Beachcomber Isle.

So... care to get to know the real Jyllie and why she is the way she is?